to this side.
Kent remarks that Causticum may even be useful in paralysis of the optic nerve. Not only are the lids heavy, they have also a tendency to agglutinate, which also may make it difficult to open them.
Visible twitching of both eyelids, and also of the left eyebrow.
An important subjective symptom in the eyes is a pressure as if sand were in them. Pressing pain in and behind the eyes, even as if they were pressed out, sometimes with a feeling of dryness.
Burning in the eyes; especially in both inner canthi.
The eyes are often dry and as if stiff, with photophobia. A well-confirmed symptom is burning and stitching as from needles in the eyes, with dryness and photophobia, from 6-8 p.m. Or: photophobia all day, has to wink constantly. Also: dryness in the morning, but later lachrymation. Or: lachrymation of the eyes, even in a room, but mostly in the open air.
Causticum may be indicated in inflammation of the eyes, with acrid tears and painful stitches from around the eye into the head, worse evening and night. Cornea covered with red vessels, and has a tendency to bulge.
Dim and indistinct vision in the morning, like a thick fog before the eyes; not disappearing before washing. Gauze-like obscuration of eyes; also momentary, when sneezing. Or after a short walk in the open air the blood surges to head and face and makes the vision dim.
The vision can gradually grow weaker until it is lost. Causticum has been used in the incipient stages of cataract and has managed to arrest the progress of this disease, as Hughes reports in his ‘Pharmacodynamics.’
Sparks of fire are seen on winking, even in bright daylight.
Styes, especially at inner end of lower lid.
Much itching of eyes, particularly the lids, sometimes with burning as soon as the eye is moved or touched. Blepharitis which is better in the open air.
Warts in the eyebrows. Fissures about the corners of the eye.
Flickering before the eyes, sometimes like a swarm of insects; or dark objects floating before them.
Deafness from paralysis of the auditory nerve is the main characteristic.
Hardness of hearing with tinnitus aurium and a lot of noises in the ear and