pain, but it can also occur with throat pain, stomach and abdominal pain, back pain, etc. One must strongly consider Causticum when this sensation is mentioned.
Another key-note is a sensation of mucus stuck high up in the respiratory tract, in the trachea. When cough is present, there is not only the typical feeling of rawness and burning in the air passages, but also a symptom resembling paralysis: a sensation as if he could not cough deep enough, ‘could not get under the mucus.’ The patients will cough and cough but are unable to expel the mucus. Medorrhinum has a similar symptom.
Moreover, a peculiar sensation of coldness has to be mentioned: ‘as if cold water trickled from the right clavicle down the chest and to the toes, along a narrow line.’
Causticum can also have very dramatic abdominal flatulence. I have seen Causticum patients with tremendous flatulence and marked abdominal distension.
One should keep in mind that Phosphorus, which is so close to Causticum in many respects, has been found inimical to it in many cases.
On the skin, we see two very prominent symptoms: fissures and warts. Fissures will come on from the least provocation, especially about the wings of the nose, in the lips, at the anus, etc. Warts are mostly found in the face and on the hands, the hands being a focal point of some of the Causticum pathology. Common findings are warts on the fingers; also arthritis of the small joints of the hands, with deformities; ulnar deviation of the fingers.
A summary of important modalities: worse in the open air and from any draught, especially cold, also from getting wet; from cold, dry winds; from clear and fine weather; stooping (especially