Convulsive motions are also frequent symptoms of Causticum. This may take the form of hysterical or choreatic states. The spasmodic motions may be restricted to one area or side of the body. Fright or suppressed eruptions often trigger such states. ‘If frightened he is almost sure to have some form of convulsive condition’ (Kent). There is also a chorea of rheumatic origin (Chorea rheumatica). Other causes may be a chill, e.g. by cold bathing, or else some change in the weather, and consequently the symptoms will be better in summer and in warm climates. Moreover, times such as the menses or puberty make Causticum patients prone to convulsive symptoms. The twitching often won’t disappear even in sleep, so Causticum is a prominent remedy for choreatic movements during sleep (opposite of Agaricus). I have already mentioned the ‘chorea by imitation’ which comes from the deep sympathy of Causticum persons, which is, however, not attended by the anxiety about health typical of Phosphorus.
These neurological disturbances are often very deep-seated, and if so, they will usually respond but little and very slowly to Causticum. It would be a mistake to abandon Causticum too soon in such cases!
Let us take a closer look at the shortenings and indurations of muscles and tendons. Kent describes it like this: ‘Tendons of the forearms contract, and there is gradually increasing flexion. Sometimes a whole muscle will harden and shorten, so that it can be felt by the hand as a hard ridge… Closely related to this is a rheumatic state of the tendons and ligaments about the joints, sometimes with swelling, but always with pain and ending in a shrivelling of the joint, a tightening up of the joint so that it becomes ankylosed. Great stiffness of the joints, and while this is going on the patient is growing weaker, is running into a state of melancholy, of hopelessness, anxiety and fear.’ Carpal tunnel syndrome and Dupuytren’s contracture may yield to Causticum.
The pain Kent mentions may be extremely severe, rending and