tendons. We can say that the theme of Causticum resembles the theme of Conium in respect of paralysis: while the Con. essence is that of gradual paralysis with induration of glands and production of tumours, the Causticum theme is that of gradual paralysis with shortening and induration of tendons. But although the themes are similar, the personalities are completely different. You will not see that sympathetic quality in Con. that is so strong in Causticum. Con. people may also be materialistic, but in another way: they cling to their properties, saying, ‘This is mine. This table is mine. This is my house.’
A condition that has frequently been cured by Causticum is one¬-sided facial paralysis, especially of the right side (which is generally ‘preferred’ by Causticum). The cause is very often an exposure to wind or draught. One may see a person who has been exposed to wind – while on a bicycle or motorcycle, for instance – and who comes complaining of a facial paralysis. In these sorts of situations the pathology can develop rather rapidly, an exception to the usual gradual onset. A facial paralysis from exposure can develop within one to two days.
There is one especial peculiarity however; Causticum can display a peculiar numbness of one half of the body. The boundary of this numbness is very discrete, as if a line were drawn on the body; one side being numb, the other having normal sensitivity. I have seen such conditions responding to Causticum when the numbness was on the left side of the body.
The slow and gradually progressing state of weakness and paralysis will often be accompanied by involuntary motions, by twitching, quivering, jerking of the muscles. ‘Tremulous weakness’ is a Causticum condition that has already been emphasised by Hahnemann; weakness and trembling in every limb. This condition may amount to a genuine physical restlessness where the legs can’t be kept still even for a moment, especially in the evening and at night.