of the emotions creates an obstacle to expression. Emotions may even cause states of fainting and unconsciousness.
The excitability is also very marked during a debate where the patient will almost tremble from excitement; or after exertion as for example a slow walk in the open air; or generally in the evening hours where the fantasy of these patients is very active. Hahnemann gives symptoms such as: ‘full of timorous ideas, in the evening.’ Or: ‘As soon as she closes her eyes, she sees nothing’. In such excitable persons the complaints are often aggravated by thinking of them. This is especially true for haemorrhoids.
Haste, Restlessness, Anxiety and Fear
In the beginning stages of Causticum an inner restlessness is a prominent symptom, with a hurried feeling which is quite strong. So, patients will eat in a hurry as if they had to catch the next train or the next appointment though they have all the time in the world. This hastiness may also cause shortness of breath. The restlessness is worst in the evening and at night: they cannot find any position to lie still in bed, they have to move constantly; especially the legs feel tremendously restless and cannot be kept still for a moment.
This restlessness brings on a state of anxiety, with great fear and apprehension; there is especially great apprehension whenever anything happens. These symptoms will often prevent sleep or wake them up at night, and the patients will stay awake and contemplate about their future and many times will have to get up and move around to shake the anxiety off. The anxiety centres around the future; mistrust about the future, fear about what might happen. A characteristic symptom is ‘Anxiety all day, as if he had done something evil or as if something bad were impending, or as if some misfortune had occurred.’ Anxious forebodings that are aggravated in the twilight, ‘when the shadows grow longer’