
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1683

previously that day. Any slight, real or imagined, is reviewed; e.g., “This morning he passed me, and he did not even notice me.” Or they may think, “That man said hello rather indifferently; he didn’t smile and he wasn’t very nice.” They will recall and grieve over any difficult or painful situations of the day as they lie in bed. In their imagination they expand the significance and distort the meaning of such events, fuelling their grief.
China is quite the opposite of Causticum in this respect. The China imagination projects wondrous and heroic events into the future; such as, ‘I will achieve my goal. I will be president of the company.’ The thinking is such that they increasingly visualise themselves performing ever more fantastic feats; building homes, creating companies, saving the world, etc. In the morning, however, they awaken realising that there is no real possibility of attaining such achievements.
Lack of Enjoyment in Sex
Causticum is typically not very interested in sex. Many times Causticum women will be frigid and men impotent. Sometimes there is a complete lack of enjoyment, or they do have an orgasm but without experiencing much pleasure. In some instances, this indifference to sex can come about because of grief or disappointment. For example, a man who has been doing well sexually has a financial setback. He acquires a second job and mortgages his home. He works very conscientiously at the new job, but his boss is dissatisfied with him and criticises him. He swallows his hurt for a time. After two or three months of such over-exertion and criticism, he starts to feel less and less during sexual intercourse with his wife. He feels badly for his wife because of his lack of enjoyment; he feels that his lack of sexual arousal is unfair to her. Consequently, he stops having an interest in sex altogether. He experiences no enjoyment at all from sex, it becomes a mere mechanical performance; yet there may be a tendency to adultery because of his easy excitability.