in the forehead and temples. There can be confusion of the mind that may be triggered by a seminal emission, and they can feel stupid for the entire day. With the decline in body and mind, the self¬-confidence will also go down.
There is also a confusion in speech. The patient may make strange mistakes in speaking or writing. The provings elicited Spoonerism, e.g.: ‘He often pronounces words wrongly and confounds the syllables and letters, saying ‘cluent foryza’ instead of ‘fluent coryza’.’
If this state of mind progresses further, there is dullness of the mind, confusion and finally imbecility or senility. (Causticum may be indicated in Alzheimer’s disease.) The confusion may become so overwhelming that the patients are left totally mentally paralysed; they just sit doing nothing in a stupefied condition (compare Pulsatilla). Sullen, morose, taciturn, they will maintain a persistent silence and become self-absorbed or indifferent.
Fear that Something Bad will Happen
As Causticum patients come to recognise their failing intellectual comprehension, they develop the fear that something very bad is going to happen. If the telephone should ring, they will imagine that they are about to hear some tale of calamity. They are afraid that some bad news will arrive via the telephone. Often on going to bed they will fantasise a troubling situation and know that something terrible, some calamitous event is coming. They imagine disasters or catastrophes befalling their children, car accidents, etc. They are prone to imagine something untoward happening to anyone with whom they are connected and whom they love. They can also imagine all manner of financial difficulties.
The Natrum muriaticum mental processes are quite different. They will lie awake in bed at night and recall events that occurred