Tinctura acris sine Kali.
Potassium Hydrate.
A distilled mixture of slaked lime and a solution of potassium sulphate.
Tincture with spirit.
A Causticum condition will develop mainly from 6 different causes:
1) Long-lasting grief with a deep unexpressed sorrow.
Generally Causticum does not develop symptoms overnight like Ignatia, Staphysagria or Natrum muriaticum but needs a longer period of time and a series of griefs and sorrows. When it does develop, you have a deep case with a serious pathology to treat.
2) Fright, fear, disappointment or vexation. Such causation could trigger the anxieties and fears of Causticum in a patient with a chronic background.
3) Emotional excitement, even joy. Ailments with such causation (e.g. stammering) usually appear in a chronic case and aggravate the chronic conditions rather than producing a chronic state themselves.
4) Burns or scalds. The well-known quality of Causticum to produce a feeling of rawness and soreness, which is also the feeling in cases of burns, makes this remedy suitable to cure not only burns (even second degree) but also secondary symptomatology after severe burns, such as bad healing, ulceration, even atrophy of burnt limbs. It is also effective in treating children who stop growing after a severe burn (Foubister).