
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1673

Great fatigue: on awaking, with disinclination to rise; in the afternoon about 4 p.m., while riding in a car, with sleep of ten minutes’ duration; after a meal; after a drawing back pain; with frequent yawning; with much lassitude.
Lying on the back produces nightmares.
Restless sleep, especially before midnight; with frequent waking and many dreams.
Chill and fever with icterus. This indication was confirmed by Farrington, in a case of tertian chill and fever, with painful liver, bile-less stool, bilious urine, etc. The chill and fever prefer the evening time, the fever heat may also last till morning.
Chill on waking at night, with strong urging to urinate.
Tendency to perspiration; general sweat and lassitude on waking; sweat after a meal on the forehead and back.
Chill and shivering with accelerated pulse; with a feeling of pulsation in the abdomen.
Besides the icterus, the main indication in this area are the varicose veins and ulcers, numerous cases of which have been cured by Carduus. ‘Swelling of visible veins’ (Mezger); the varices may be hard and tend to burst.
Ulcus cruris varicosum which can assume huge dimensions. ‘Painful, itching, recurrent ulcus, 13 cm of perimeter, on right leg’ (Burnett).
Leeser gives this description of a Carduus ulcer: bluish colour, ichorous granulation, jagged margins, often callous, easily bleeding, surroundings pigmented brownish, with dilated veins. May be caused by: a blow; bursting of a varicose vein; with eczema varicosum, rarely after inflammation of the connective tissues, usually after injury by scratching the itching, eczematous skin. Intertrigo at anus.
Groups of vesicles on the back of the hand, with watery contents. Itching skin.