
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1672

covering the left radius, alternating with pain in the same muscles of the right side.
Another locality is the right musculus deltoideus where violent pain of a rheumatism-like character has been repeatedly caused in the proving; sometimes so violent that the prover could not suppress moaning.
Tearing in the left upper arm.
Cramping pain is also frequent: in the muscles covering the radius; in the hands and fingers; especially in the index, middle and ring finger of the right hand, at the outer side.
Ischialgia is an old indication from Rademacher which is supported by a proving symptom: pain in hip joints, spreading through buttocks, causing difficulty in arising, from stooping. This symptom with its modalities has been clinically confirmed in many cases, e.g. recently in a case by Muller (Archiv fvr Homoopathik 4/94) an interesting modality was additionally observed: lies on belly almost all day, the only position that relieves. The right-sidedness of the ischialgia and the aggravation by stooping, as well as the alcoholism treatment she was undergoing (to support this he had prescribed Opium), made him think of Carduus which removed the pain completely in some days.
Hip pain, with liver or spleen disease.
In his ‘Prescription Drills’, E.E.Case also gives this symptom: painful stiffness of tendons under knees; worse when beginning to walk and when tired from walking; better for awhile from continued walking (also with pulsation on inside of left knee joint). This is similar to a proving symptom from Buchmann: ‘Sensation of stiffness in knees on walking, at patella and in tendons at bend of knees, with paralytic feeling in legs, causing an unsteady, stumbling gait.’ Drawing pain in the left knee joint.
Sensation of a band around the calves, or as if the trousers were too tight, a hand’s breadth below the knee joints, on walking.
Pain on the dorsum of the right foot.
Sensation of coldness: in the knees (compare Carbo vegetabilis) soles and toes. Cramps in the calves. Sudden cramp in the muscles of the sole of the right foot, flexing the toes; after disappearance, there is an intense itching in the sole, in front of the heels.