
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1669

confirmed by other homeopaths. The remedy will especially be indicated when gall-bladder infection (calculi, inflammation, etc.) are associated with constipation. Or: ‘Painful tenderness and swelling of the gall bladder, probably from obstruction of the ductus choledochus communis’ (Hale).
Distension of the spleen, with constant borborygmus and empty eructation; complaints associated with splenic diseases (compare Ceanothus). A proving symptom: ‘Stitches in splenic region, especially on inspiration and stooping.’
More generally, we can say with Buchmann that Carduus is indicated ‘where plethora in portal system prevails, with hyperaemia of liver, catarrh of gall passages; sluggish peristalsis in colon, haemorrhoids, hyperacidity with flatulent distension of bowels.’
A key-note from the provings is a sensation of motion in the intestines on expiration, extending the breadth of a hand around the umbilicus.
There is a feeling of fullness in the hypochondria and painful sensations in the abdomen, obliging one to take a deep breath; worse by violent motion. Drawing pain between the umbilicus and the pit of the stomach, coming and going, in the peritoneum of the abdominal wall, from right to left, followed by burning pain with a sensation of heat in a spot as large as a hen’s egg, between the umbilicus and inguinal region to the left.
Violent pain in the right abdomen, worse by pressure, continuing uniform until sleep sets in. Pressing pain in the abdomen on the right side, between the margin of the ribs and hip, while riding in a vehicle.
Pressive pain in the right side of the abdomen, when the body is stretched out, with a sensation of heat. Bending crooked may ameliorate this pain. Stitches in the side of the abdomen, near the hip-bone.
Stitches in the small intestine which are ameliorated by pressure upon the abdomen. Carduus has been used in typhlitis, especially to prevent its recurrence. Typhlitis stercoralis.
Much flatulence with constant rumbling in the bowel, especially in the small intestines, and unusually frequent passage of flatus. Also water retentive disorders; ascites anasarca.
Drawing pain through the hypogastric region.