Uterine haemorrhage, also epistaxis or bleeding piles, due to portal congestion.
Liver or spleen symptoms, associated with respiratory symptoms; liver pain with haemoptysis. Kent recommends it
in ‘liver cough; when lower portion of right lung is affected, with chronic congestion of the liver.’ Here a cure of miner’s disease may be added, in a worker in a gold mine, related by Proell: earthy complexion; mucous coating of tongue; great dyspnoea and palpitation on climbing; stomach, liver and spleen distended, sore to pressure; much empty eructation, constant borborygmus; constip¬ation alternating with diarrhoea; grey evacuations, scanty and pale urine; skin dry as if withered; great general weakness, eyes lustreless and dim, and a change from a former cheerful temperament to a joyless, listless, apathetic state. Carduus in tincture effected a spectacular improvement of all the symptoms.
Gastro-intestinal catarrh.
Muscular rheumatism and arthritis dependent on liver disease. For example there are: drawing, cramping or pressive rheumatic pain in the limbs; rheumatic pain in right deltoid; hip pains that are worse from motion, especially from stooping and rising again; cramps in calves and soles of feet.
A striking feature is an intense feeling of discomfort all over, with excessive lassitude, prostration and exhaustion and a general ‘sickly feeling’. The remedy has been used in exhausted states after long suffering and repeated haemorrhages (China), e.g. from the womb after abortion, especially if frequent attacks of bilious colic occur. Such conditions may attend severe emaciation. The general fatigue is worst after a meal or in the morning on waking.
The perspiration may smell of urine. The skin is sallow or grey, the urine may be dark, golden-yellow or orange, brown, the stool is