
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1653

Nausea and vomiting at the beginning of menses.
Swelling and pain in the mammae before menses, beginning in mid-cycle. Premenstrual Syndrome. Bloating, anxious, fearful.
Recurrent ovarian cysts, right-sided, causing numbing pain down the thigh. Formation of ovarian cysts in connection with acne and furuncles discharging thick matter like butter. Right-sided ovarian pain.
Fibroid tumours in uterus; endometriosis.
Flatus from the vagina.
Herpes genitalis.
Chronic mastitis.
Recurrent pseudo-pregnancy with enlarged abdomen and milk in the breasts.
Neck and Back
Pain on the right side of the neck on turning the head to the right.
Pain at the inner angle of the left scapula.
Twitches in the back; with tingling. Sciatica.
Coldness of the extremities, worse from a draught of air.
Aching arms and legs, acute coldness of the hands and feet; aching worse from cold and sitting still. The hands may go white and blue.
Twitching in the muscles of the thighs and arms.
Aching at the back of the thighs, with numbness and tingling of the arms and legs if he crosses or bends them.
Aching ‘like a toothache’ (from the proving) in shoulder muscles, ameliorated by warmth and movement.
Pain in the hips, right and left, worse for motion, worse if weight is off the legs. General weak tired feeling, mostly in the legs, in late evening; better if kept active and does not rest; better also after a short sleep.
Rheumatic pain in the legs, ameliorated by warmth and gentle movement, whereas quick movement aggravates.
Hangnails; tears or chews at the cuticles.
Weakness of the ankles.