
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1651

Recurrent infections or catarrh of the respiratory tract.
Asthma: in children; dating back from a severe fright; better or worse at the seaside; worse in wet or windy weather, better cool, dry days.
Shortness of breath on running.
‘Stomach cough’ worse in a stuffy room; irritation in the pharynx, larynx, and thyroid aggravated on leaving an area of cold air. Stomach cough while talking; throat clogs up then is cleared by coughing.
Cough may be worse from cold air or worse indoors, but especially on the change from cold to warm or warm to cold.
Prolonged whooping cough or chronic pneumonia; in infants; history of such conditions in early childhood.
Stabbing pain behind the sternum.
Sensation as if heart tight and constricted, as if one wants to sigh.
Palpitation from 2 to 6 p.m., ‘can feel the heart and hear it when lying down’. Stitching heart pain on standing.
The appetite may be voracious. The patient eats everything indiscriminately and mixed together. More often, however, there are very marked food desires and aversions, with the peculiarity that one kind of food is desired at one time, and at another time there is a definite aversion to the same kind of food (‘contradictory and alternating states’).
Marked desires may be for: chocolate and other sweets, including ice-cream, and even pure sugar (Paschero reports that children only wanted to eat sugar); fat and fat of meat, ham, smoked bacon, butter, sausage; raw potatoes; spicy foods, salt; soup; sweet and sour; fruit, sour apples; cocoa; cold drinks, especially milk; eggs.
Marked aversions: to fruit; to eggs, even to the smell of eggs; meat, fat, butter; potatoes; milk; salts; sweets.
Intolerance for honey, milk, onions; allergy to eggs; odour of mustard disgusts. Very thirsty, for large quantities, or very little thirst.
Nausea from travelling by bus or car; travel sickness.