Tics; all sorts of grimaces; twitching with a sensation of tingling.
Brownish colour; smooth cafe-au-lait skin.
Numerous eruptions: acne (came out in the proving), vesicular acne; eczema with scratching till it bleeds; herpes on the upper lip and nose.
Eczema on the face, at the sides; she scratches until it bleeds Stiffness of the lower jaw.
Mouth ulcers at the upper gum and the side of the tongue; ulcers with foul taste. Aphthae in children. Leukoplakia spots on the gum and palate. Papillae absent on the tip of the tongue.
Tongue constantly moving back and forth, touching the teeth; tongue becomes sore, with severe pain.
Tender gums, painful on pressure, with a stiff lower jaw.
Aching at the roots of the teeth.
Early caries of the teeth.
Sore throat on swallowing saliva (empty swallowing), worse in the morning, better as the day goes on, comes again at night; sore throat when not swallowing. Recurrent tonsillitis.
Sore throat, worse from warmth and better from cold. The soreness has a special localisation: at the palate, as if there were a lump there.
Air Passages, Respiration and Cough
The proving brought out a lot of cough symptoms: cough, from a tickling in the
throat, which hurts the stomach; tickling cough at night, keeps on clearing throat; worse talking, singing, laughing, being in a warm room; worse in the morning when dressing, washing or shaving; worse undressing; worse when ‘stretching the throat’ as in yawning.
Keeps on clearing throat; has to do so before being able to speak. Stammering; unable to say certain words, e.g. the number ‘eight’.
Lump sensation in the larynx.