everyday things, has to think deliberately, has to make an effort in order to remember (Templeton reports that one of his provers had to return three times for his spectacles). His forgetfulness makes him irritable.
The poor memory may accompany a general dullness of the mind. There is difficulty concentrating and thinking, mental inertia, a slow intellect; having to think is an effort. The brain seems constricted. A weak, tired feeling in the mind and body may come on. The individual becomes foggy, disinterested, absent-minded; it may be described as a sense of being intoxicated or ‘spaced out’. The individual can’t absorb anything; in a conversation he is aware of hearing something, but the words do not actually register, and so he does not respond. An aversion to conversation is not surprising, then, and has actually shown up in the proving as a prominent symptom.
The weak, tired feeling passes after a short sleep, but it can also be ‘worked off. As one prover put it: ‘If I fight that tiredness and do not have a short sleep I can after a short period settle down at my books with the same degree of energy.’ Clinical evidence also shows that mental exertion as well as physical exercise often ameliorates the general and mental state.
The Carcinosin Child
Precocity is a characteristic of Carcinosin that is seen frequently in children. One sees extremely early and rapid development on the physical and mental levels (including the exaggerated sense of responsibility described above). These children may learn to walk very early and may be toilet trained at a very young age. They may have a keen intellect and learn very quickly. One could call them ‘early developers’.
Their ability to talk is particularly striking. You feel you are talking with an adult; a three-and-a-half-year-old Carcinosin boy was