
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1629

other authors, including Nebel (who worked in Davos), LeHunt Cooper and Burford, who published some cases that were successfully treated by Carcinosin.
Donald Foubister is the one to whom the homeopathic community owes the rediscovery of these remedies. In 1952 he noted that children whose mothers had had cancer during pregnancy exhibited a certain appearance, consisting mainly of blue sclerotics, a cafe-au-lait complexion and numerous black circular moles. This made him wonder whether this appearance had its origin in the mothers’ cancer. He began to collect similar cases and to prescribe Carcinosin for those of his patients who had these characteristics along with a family history of cancer, with considerable success.
Subsequently Lees Templeton directed a veritable proving of the remedy. (Unfortunately, the origin of the Carcinosinum preparation which was obtained from Nelson is now unknown. It is possible that it dates back to Burnett’s, Clarke’s, Nebel’s, or Cooper’s efforts.) This was the beginning of the rapid development of homeopathic knowledge about the cancer nosodes, a development in which many authors took part. New preparations have been made and used, including Carcinosinum Adeno-Stom. (from cancer of the glandular epithelium of the stomach), Carcinosinum Lungs, Carcinosinum Mammae, Carcinosinum Intest Ca. (from cancer of the bowel), Carcinosinum Uterus, and Carcinosinum Adeno-Vesica (from malignant papilloma of the bladder).
Carcinosin can be considered the nosode of a miasm: the cancerinic miasm. By cancerinic miasm we mean the inherited predisposition of an organism to develop malignant infection at a certain period of its life. It’s likely that scientists working in this field will soon find out