
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1628

Also known as Cancerinum.
A nosode from Carcinoma.
Historical Background
The first to mention and use Carcinosin, the cancer nosode, was James Tyler Kent. He called it ‘Carcinoma’, and he prepared the remedy thus: ‘The preparation of Carcinoma which I have used, for years, was taken from a mammary cancer. The patient had continual seeping of clear, colourless, watery discharge from the open cancer. A small quantity of this fluid was saved and potentised, and has served satisfactorily, in many cases of advanced carcinoma.’ He used it as a palliative in cancer cases:
‘Carcinoma relieves the sharp, burning tearing pains. With this remedy (nosode), patients have been kept comfortable, for many years, when cure was impossible and the cancerous development continued. The malignant process was delayed, and sufferings usually accompanying the condition were avoided’ (Kent, New Remedies, Lesser Writings, Clinical Cases, Aphorisms and Precepts, p. 523f).
The English homeopath James Compton Burnett and his well-known colleague J.H. Clarke were the next to do research and practice in the field of cancer nosodes. They used Scirrhinum primarily, which is said to have been taken from a hard cancer (scirrhus), and Carcinosinum (according to Clarke’s account, in his book ‘The Cure of Tumours’, this nosode is derived from a hard cancer). They began to use these remedies for conditions other than cancer (e.g. threadworms and certain mental cases). Clarke relates that Burnett also did a fragmentary proving of Scirrhinum upon himself.
Following this work, cancer nosodes are seldom mentioned, the exceptions being a few lines in Boericke’s Pocket Manual and some