coldness of legs; Op., Sulph. and Pso. in deficient reaction; Sul-ac. in dyspepsia of drunkards (Carb-v. has more putridity; Sul-ac. more sourness); Phos. in easily bleeding ulcers; Puls., bad effect from fatty food and pastry; Sulph. in acrid¬smelling menses; erysipelas of breasts; Ars. and Bell-p. in effects of ice-cream and ice-water in hot weather. Nux-v. in dyspepsia, easily angered; effects of debauchery (Nux-vis thin, spare, yellow, wiry; Carb-v. sluggish, stout, lazy); Sec. in haemorrhages, cold breath; coldness worse by warmth. Calc., Carb-an., and Stram. in aversion to darkness; Lach. in weak digestion (Lach. craves milk; Carb-v. has aversion to it), intolerance of clothing round waist; intermittent fever, flashes of burning heat without thirst. Sep. in bearing-down in the rectum and vagina (Carb-v. has the strong odour of menses which Sep. has not). Rhus-t. in strains; in typhus; Colch. in cholera; Cupr. in cold breath, prostration.