
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1617

Burning, squeezing, pressing and pinching pains are characteristic. Any tight clothing around the waist is unbearable. Sometimes the flatulence produces a violent ‘paralytic’ drawing pain that goes down into the left thigh. There is also some active movement in the abdomen, often with audible rumbling.
Discharge of flatus generally ameliorates, and the flatus are profuse, hot, moist, and very offensive, with a putrid odour.
Carbo vegetabilis is indicated in excessive flatulence from atony of the bowel; after surgical operations; has even been used successfully in paralytic ileus with a tendency to distension of the belly.
Dragging or squeezing pain in the abdomen after stool. Dragging and bearing down pain, even labour-like. Colic from riding in a car.
Stitching pain in the region of the liver and epigastrium, also in the spleen, and thence to both sides, increased by deep inspiration.
Pinching in the abdomen, under the navel, starting in the left side and moving to the right.
Heaviness in the abdomen. Sensation as if it was hanging down heavily; forces the prover to walk bent over.
Pain in the abdomen as from over-lifting or a sprain; comes on as soon as she lies on the side; felt mostly in the left side.
Hypochondria feel bruised and sore to the touch. The liver region, in particular, is very sensitive, with a bruised pain or a constant dull heavy feeling. Stitches in the spleen.
With the discharge of flatus (see under ‘Abdomen’), faeces may involuntarily escape; or there is an ineffectual urging for stool, with only wind passing, attended by a painful pressure in the rectum.
Carbo vegetabilis may have constipation or diarrhoea. In constipation, the stool may be tough, hard, scanty, not properly cohering; but also soft stool is voided only with great exertion. A well-confirmed indication in diarrhoea is painful diarrhoea in the elderly. Involuntary diarrhoea with simultaneous voiding of urine has also been cured by the remedy.