The digestive system is a very important sphere of action in Carbo vegetabilis. Digestion is generally slow and sluggish, and all food that is taken seems to cause complaints, even the simplest and most easily digestible. Specially strong aggravations are found after all kinds of rich and fatty food, especially after butter; after milk, which causes flatulence; after pork and poultry; after overeating of any kind; after cold drinks, especially iced ones; after all kinds of flatulent foods.
Kent says that a Carbo vegetabilis state can be reached by ‘stuffing’ the patient : ‘I would feed him with fats, with sweets, puddings, pies and sauce, and all such indigestible trash, and give him plenty of wine – then I would have the Carbo vegetabilis patient.’
The stomach complaints include, in particular, an excessive painful flatulence, mostly in the stomach region and the upper abdomen, with much sensitivity in this region to touch and a sensation as if the stomach were about to burst, which often comes on one hour after a meal and may last for hours. Lying down aggravates the pain and the distension. Frequent empty eructations occur, which can last for hours and be very annoying, but they definitely tend to ameliorate the distension. The same modality applies to ‘eructation downward’ (flatus).
There are desires for sweet and salty foods, also for sour things and coffee, but all these foods tend to cause complaints if eaten. On the other hand, aversion to meat, especially to fatty meat, and to milk and butter are often seen as being very strong. ‘Aversion to the most digestible and the best of food’ (Kent). In a Carbo vegetabilis state there may be a loathing even of the thought of food.
Violent, almost continuous eructation. Frequent empty eructation, preceded by a short pinching in the abdomen. Often the eructations are hot and offensive, tasting rancid or sour, and are attended by gagging almost to the point of vomiting. Sour eructation after drinking milk, or in the evening on walking in the open air. Eructation following eating or drinking anything.