
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1612

Much scraping, tingling, tickling in the larynx, also much rawness and roughness in the throat and chest. Has to clear his throat so often in the evening that the larynx becomes raw and sore. Pain as if sore and ulcerated in the larynx and trachea. Severe ulcerative pain in the larynx and region of the thyroid cartilage, on coughing.
Unusual feeling of dryness in the trachea, hawking does not relieve it. Frequent recurrent irritation to cough, in the posterior part of the throat, which stimulates a short cough such tickling and itching irritations are especially worse in the evening after lying down.
Mucus in large quantities lodges in the air passages, felt particularly at night, choking the patient when he coughs, sometimes accompanied by vomiting of mucus; better when sitting up or moving.
Bronchial catarrh, hoarse, mucous rales; chest and ribs feel as if bruised; nails are blue and extremities cold; especially in old people or after diseases such as measles.
Respiration and Cough
Rattling or whistling respiration, with air hunger, especially at night in bed; cannot remain in bed because of air hunger. The strong craving for fresh air is a general symptom of the remedy: asthma is worse in warm rooms, wants the windows open in spite of feeling cold and chilly, wants to be fanned. ‘The remedy cures asthma. We will see the patient propped up in a chair by an open window, or some member of the family may be fanning him as fast as possible. The face is cold, the nose pinched, the extremities cold and he is as pale as death. Put the hand in front of the mouth, and the breath feels cold. The breath is offensive; putrid’ (Kent).
Asthma of the elderly and of those in poor, exhausted conditions; weakness, trembling; looks as if he is dying; full of wind, but cannot release it. Cyanotic, bluish skin in asthmatic conditions. Asthma as a sequel to measles or other acute diseases; winter attacks of asthma; attacks during the weekends; chronic asthma once or twice monthly. In some cases the attacks always come on during sleep.
Carbo vegetabilis is an important remedy in whooping-cough, especially in the