The mouth is either dry (but without thirst) or there is an increased collection of saliva, which often becomes stringy and tough and may taste foul.
Taste: bitter, particularly before and after eating; salty, especially after eating.
The tongue can have a white coat, or yellow-brown mucus covers it.
Heavy feeling of the tongue, can hardly be moved, speaking is very difficult. Pressing pain on the palate, the posterior part.
Pains often locate in the root of the tongue; they are cramp-like, or are felt as a pressive tearing.
The characteristic symptom here is a sensation as if tight or contracted in the pharynx. It may be sore and inflamed, with a feeling as if something were lodged in it. Food can hardly be swallowed because of a spasmodic constriction, which, however, may not be attended by any pain. There is inflammation and swelling of the uvula.
Scraping, smarting, biting and burning pain in the throat, palate, fauces, with a feeling of rawness. Sensation of extreme dryness, as if all moisture is absorbed by blotting paper. A feeling of something hot and acrid rising in the oesophagus, as in heartburn.
Pain in the fauces and choanae on swallowing, coughing or blowing the nose. Much tough mucus in the throat, which compels the patient to hawk it up and it is easily ejected; it is sometimes foul, bloody, blackish.
Varicose veins in the pharynx.
Air Passages
Hoarseness, even aphonia, is an indication for Carbo vegetabilis. It may come on in the morning, but the remedy will particularly be required in evening when there is evening hoarseness, caused by the cold, damp evening air. Severe roughness of larynx, with a deep roughness of the voice; the voice is lost when he exerts it.’