In the facial bones, there are many acute pains, especially drawing and tearing ones. Drawing pain in the jaws on both sides, with drawing in the head and a confused feeling. Jerking tearing in the upper maxilla, right side. One-sided tearings in the zygomata. Or: drawing and aching pain in the nervus facialis.
A key-note is twitching in the upper lip.
Pimples, pustules, and herpes are found in the face, often around the lips and in the corners of the mouth. Acne and especially acne rosacea is a condition where Carbo vegetabilis may be indicated, especially in young people.
The lips tend to swell and crack; sometimes they are discoloured brown or even blackish.
Carbo vegetabilis has been prescribed in stomatitis or scurvy-like states, because there are many symptoms pointing to these conditions:
Gums receding from the teeth, particularly the incisors, with ulceration, looseness of the teeth and easy bleeding. Bleeding of gums when brushing the teeth, or when sucking at the gums. Sore pain in the gums, by day. They are painfully sensitive when chewing. Pustules on the gums. Aphthae, small ulcers scattered throughout the mouth; greyish colour, burning like live coals. Putrid odour and taste.
The bleeding can be blackish, oozing, decomposed, and putrid, as described in the Generalities’ section, making gums and tongue appear black.
The teeth are very sensitive to cold or warm things taken into the mouth; also to air that is inspired. Inspiration may cause a painful throbbing. Salty foods cause pain in the teeth, especially in the gums.
Generally, the teeth tend to decay easily, but also sound teeth will often ache. ‘Drawing and tearing pain in all molars.’ ‘Tearing in incisor teeth.’ Coldness of breath, and of the mouth, teeth, tongue, throat is an important feature in the collapse-like states noted above; but there may also be heat in the mouth, with rawness and dryness of the tip of the tongue. Tongue sensitive, with a raw feeling.