Pain from the right ear down the neck, on turning the head; after itch-like eruptions. Heat and redness of the left ear, every evening. Tearing-burning pain in the earlobe. Itching in the ears, along with an inclination to swallow in order to relieve it. Or: feels compelled to bore his finger into his ear to relieve the irritation, but it always returns.
Something heavy seems to lie in and before the ears; they seem stopped, but the hearing is not diminished’ (Hahnemann). There can also be deafness, particularly after acute exanthemata.
Ears dry, lack of cerumen; or it has an offensive odour. Otorrhoea: discharge of a thickish, flesh-coloured, offensive moisture; especially after exanthematous diseases, such as measles or scarlet fever.
Ringing in the ear, especially in connection with vertigo; or roaring noises, e.g. after coitus.
Hearing is very acute: sensitive to loud talking; or when waking at night with a rush of blood to the head, the slightest sound seems to reverberate in the ear. Tearing pain in the depression behind the right ear.
Parotitis, mumps; swelling of parotids, with metastasis to the testes.
Nosebleeds. A very typical kind of nosebleed is described in this proving symptom: severe nosebleed, several times daily for two weeks, with very pale face before and after each attack. Or the nosebleed comes at night, with a paroxysm of blood. Epitaxis every time he stoops or strains at stool, or as a prodrome of a fainting attack, also from emotional excitement or jarring of the body.
The Carbo vegetabilis coryza is apt to travel downward, finally settling in the chest and severe chest colds, in turn, frequently begin in the nose, with coryza. In the course of its movement downward, the mucous discharge, at first thin, becomes thick, yellowish-green and bad tasting. Always suffering from coryza, especially when he is overheated (which happens very easily), sweating, and then being exposed to the slightest draught.