
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1605

through the whole body, with coldness of the hands and feet.
Carbo vegetabilis is one of the big remedies in whooping-cough, especially in the onset of the disease, hay-fever, and periodic asthma attacks, coming on over the week-ends.
Some more modalities:
Warmth and overheating will very often bring on complaints. But on the other hand, there is a tendency to catch colds from any draught of air, and this sensitivity is most marked after having been heated. ‘In a warm room he tends to sweat at the upper part of the body, and he then catches cold as easily’ (Hahnemann). This is a general combination of modalities.
As Kent puts it: ‘He suffers from the heat and is chilled by the cold; every draught chills him; and a warm room makes him sweat, and thus he suffers from both.’ But one should keep in mind that air hunger is also a marked symptom of the remedy and that fanning and fresh cold air will ameliorate in cases of collapse, fainting, weakness, asthma, and so on; in spite of the coldness and chill. Damp weather or surroundings also cause the pathology, particularly warm sultry weather, but also wet and cold air (as in hoarseness, cough).
Vertigo with frequent momentary attacks of fainting. Vertigo with fainting, after sleep, when sitting or standing up, also before getting up in the morning, when still in bed. Vertigo from turning in bed, with perspiration over the entire body.
Vertigo from flatulence; vertigo from venous stasis, especially after excesses of eating or drinking.
The vertigo attacks may be preceded by some drops of blood from a nosebleed. Sometimes with the fit there is a pressive pain in the forehead.
‘Whirling in head, all day’ (Hahnemann). Walking and sitting may bring on vertigo; also vertigo on stooping, with the sensation as if the head is reeling to and fro. Vertigo such that he has to grip something to prevent himself from falling.