accompanied by flatulent bloating are usually relieved by this remedy. The bloating causes the diaphragm to press upward and causes periodic dyspnoea or collapse states. The eructation will not only relieve the distension of stomach or abdomen, but also symptoms such as headaches are better by belching.
Peptic ulcers, gastritis and colitis may also require Carbo vegetabilis. The digestive symptoms are generally worse from overeating, but specifically aggravated by eating fatty food; butter especially aggravates. In addition to this intolerance of fat, we see an intolerance of alcohol. There may not necessarily be a strong reaction, but enough for the patient to notice. Even after just a sip of alcohol, the face will flush to the roots of the hair; or else weakness and paleness ensues.
The diseases of the respiratory tract tend to settle in the lower parts, in the chest, even when they began with a coryza or ‘common cold’. Fairly advanced stages of lung conditions will require this remedy, e.g. a sudden decline of the vital powers from pneumonia. There is also a specific kind of asthma which is aggravated by lying down and relieved, again, by vigorous fanning. The modality worse lying down’ is easily to understand; it is as if there were too little tonus of the venous system, making it impossible to balance the circulation.
In ulcers, especially ulcus cruris varicosum, Carbo vegetabilis has a good reputation. Burning pain, more so at night; offensive, putrid discharge; mottled or livid discoloration of the surroundings. The ulcers tend to bleed easily. There is a marked tendency to gangrene and necrosis in these cases.
Burning is generally a sensation that runs through the remedy. Burning in the limbs, in bones and ulcers; burning in the blood vessels; burning in various parts of the skin. Often an internal burning is attended by external coldness. Some other general sensations; Feelings of heaviness or weight everywhere; rheumatic drawing pains