hearing, dim vision, fretful mood, and a tendency to dull brooding. Many sleep disturbances: heat, ebullition of blood, restlessness, and anxiety prevent falling asleep or cause frequent waking. Tossing and turning in bed; the patient is eventually driven to get up.
Sometimes the patient cannot fall asleep, even until 5 a.m.; but more characteristic is waking after two, three, or four hours of sleep, with great fatigue but unable to fall asleep again. Even when the sleep is good, in the morning fatigue, lassitude, and sadness prevail.
‘Sleep full of vivid fancies.’ Visions of horrible faces before falling asleep, or starting as if about to fall. Severe anxiety and fear in the dark; of
suffocation when closing the eyes, thus preventing sleep all night.
Groaning, loud talking, weeping during sleep.
Fever, Chill, and Perspiration
Carbo animalis is pre-eminently a chilly remedy. Very sensitive to open air, catches cold easily, etc.; the hands and feet are often icy cold and blueish. Great chill during the day. Shivering all over the back, which seems to begin in the chest, in the afternoon.
Febrile chill at night which wakens him from sleep; but at night there are often feelings of heat, pulsation, ebullition of blood, frequently with great anxiety. Another well-confirmed symptom is heat and sweat during eating, though long-lasting chill after lunch has also been observed and confirmed.
Carbo animalis patients are much inclined to profuse sweating,
particularly at night, but also during the day, for example when walking in the open air and when eating warm food; or in the morning after waking.
The nocturnal perspiration has peculiar characteristics: it is profuse, foetid, very debilitating, and tends to stain the linen yellow. Debilitating sweats, especially on the thighs.
A strange perspiration symptom is ‘Excessive perspiration as soon as he closes his eyes’ (compare Conium).