acne. Carbo animalis has cured erysipelas of the face.
There is heat in the head and face in the afternoon; during lunch, with much facial perspiration; also at night.
The skin is sensitive, for instance, to shaving, with aching at the cheeks and chin and around the mouth.
Both lips are burning and swollen; forming blisters; dry, cracked, even bleeding. Swelling of the submaxillary glands, hard and purple-coloured.
An indication by Hahnemann: ‘Stitches in cheekbones, lower jaw and teeth.’
The mucous membranes of the buccal cavity are raw and often painful, with formation of blisters that may ulcerate and provoke a burning pain. Blisters or vesicles on the tongue (tip and edges) appear and feel painful, as if burnt; the tip of the tongue burns.
Red, swollen, very painful gums, easily forming boils or pustules; also bleeding; and drawing pain in gums.
Knotty indurations in the substance of the tongue, which can be as large as a cherry.
The teeth are very loose and, he is unable to chew even the softest food without pain. The teeth are also sensitive to cold and to salty food; toothache is most violent in the evening in bed.
There is a bitter taste In the mouth, every morning; also a putrid taste. The jaws are quickly and easily fatigued from eating. The mouth and tongue feel as though they are immovable, so as to produce laborious, drawling and very low speech.
The tongue is red, with a yellow coat in the centre, or with a slimy coating.
The tongue and palate are dry.
Salty water or much increased thin saliva, tasteless but of sweet and putrid smell, runs from the mouth, sometimes with a strange and disagreeable sensation of coldness in the mouth, apparently rising from the abdomen. These symptoms have been especially observed in severe diseases of the digestive tract (ulcers or cancer of stomach, pancreatic infection, etc.)