
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1582

world.’ This may manifest, for example, in his inability to understand what someone is saying to him if the television is on at the same time.
The periosteum behind the right ear is swollen, with stitches in it. Swelling and induration of the parotis, with lancinating pain.
Otorrhoea is ichorous, offensive, acrid. Pain from the ear down the Eustachian tube to the pharynx, makes swallowing difficult.
He hears ringing or whistling noises in the ears all night; or else on walking or blowing the nose.
The tip of the nose is red and painful when touched; it is often cracked, with burning and tensive aching; also swollen. This feature may come on or be aggravated during the menses.
The nose is purple-coloured; there are hard bluish tumours on the tip.
An internal soreness may accompany the external swelling. There are vesicular eruptions around the nostrils, often with ulceration, and they tend not to heal. Nosebleed: regularly in the morning, preceded by vertigo, or by pressure and confusion of the head; also in the morning when sitting.
There is fluent coryza with loss of smell, yawning and much sneezing. Or dry coryza, such that the patient is unable to breath through the nose, especially in the morning on waking, disappearing on rising or else continuing for some time after waking.
Carbo animalis may be useful in common colds with coryza and a sore throat, with a scraping pain in the throat that is worse in the evening and at night and particularly felt on swallowing. Sometimes tough mucous discharges from the choanae hang down into the pharynx in strings. There are offensive discharges; ozaena.
The face is pale or earthy, has an emaciated appearance, the eyes are deep set; or there is a bluish tinge to the cheeks and lips. A brownish-yellow saddle over the bridge of the nose can be a key-note.
There are many facial eruptions of different kinds: indolent pimples, red
maculae, brown or pink spots, copper-coloured eruption as in rosacea;