‘It has relieved in incurable cases, and has apparently removed the cancerous condition for years, even though it comes back afterward and kills. This remedy is often a great palliative for the pains that occur in cancer, the indurations and the stinging, burning pains. Of course we do not want to teach, nor do we wish to have you infer, that a patient with a well-advanced cancerous affection, such as scirrhus, may be restored to perfect health and the cancerous affection removed. We may comfort that patient, and restore order at least temporarily, so that there is freedom from suffering in these malignant affections. Most patients that have cancer are really in such a state of disorder that only a temporary ‘cessation of hostilities’ can be expected; and anyone who goes around boasting of the cancer cases he has cured ought to be regarded with suspicion. Do not dwell upon the cancer, for it is not the cancer but the patient that you are treating.’
Mezger describes his experience with Carbo animalis in a recent case of malignant disease, and Dr. Berndt describes a patient who came to him after X-ray treatment of a chronic lymphatic leukaemia. He looked as if he were about to die, with lymph nodes swollen to the size of a fist at the neck, the axillae and the groin; a waxy complexion; listless, apathetic; unbearable pain; extreme meteorism; a cold, purple-coloured nose, icy cold hands and so on. Berndt wanted to give him an analgesic injection to help him die without the excruciating pain, but then found out that although the patient said his feet were warm, they seemed to be even colder to the touch than his hands.
This symptom ‘feet icy cold, but doesn’t feel it’, together with the general picture, the glandular swellings, the gaseous abdominal distension and the apathy, made him think of Carbo animalis, which he gave intending to palliate, fearing that the patient would die the same night. The next day, however, the patient was much better, the pain had ceased, the lymphatic swellings receded and three months later an examination at the hospital showed that the blood data had