
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1575

or a disco, is torture for them. They behave like old people who just want to be left alone and quiet; who feel better that way. Whether they live or die is immaterial to them, as life is such an effort. They have a strong desire to weep, yet at this stage they often can no longer do so. On occasion their mood may improve a little in the evening.
In this second stage, due to their exhaustion, they accomplish very little, which is why they are constantly in a hurry. They feel they can never do or accomplish all the work that they should be doing. If they feel sad or tired they prefer not to show it, and do not want to be comforted or consoled; they feel that others may be doing it out. of pity or duty, and do not like it. One has to approach them with sincere love and interest; only then might they be able to accept consolation. Hopelessness and thoughts of death are frequently present, yet these people no longer fear death.
The mental capacities are very much affected. Concentration and reflection are difficult and only managed due to an effort of will, once again depleting their reserves. The confusion and dullness of the mind in the morning is more pronounced than ever. Sometimes a nosebleed follows such confused states, and after that the patient feels a little better. There are even sudden feelings of stupefaction in the head, when sitting or when moving the head or walking. The senses of sight and hearing and all thinking activity cease for a period of time, or, alternately, the occiput feels markedly dull. Motion in cold damp air aggravates these states, but resting in a warm room relieves them.
The memory is disturbed, and Carbo animalis forgets words while speaking, including the word he just said. He lacks the ability to express his thoughts; feels incapable of writing a letter. The general lassitude and weakness can be heard in his speech, which has become laborious, slow, and very soft. The patient sounds as if he were drunk.