A strange symptom might be added here; a sensation as if objects have been ‘altered.’ ‘The objects in the street seem altered to him, for instance farther apart and brighter than usual, as in an empty, abandoned town.’ We not only see melancholy in Carbo animalis, but also angry and irritable moods: ‘Angry immediately on waking.’ ‘Takes everything in bad part.’ He does not want to talk or to do anything; the one thing he wants to do is to ‘go home.’ Such moods are accompanied by great lassitude, so much so that he is hardly able to talk, and by much yawning and stretching. (In women, this state comes on easily after the menses have set in).
There are many fears and anxieties; Carbo animalis patients are easily frightened and feel very apprehensive. In the evening, especially in the dark, they may experience a ghastly dread, even to the point of shuddering and weeping; and before sleep horrible faces crowd around them in their imagination. Closing the eyes makes everything worse and the patient is often too scared to do so. A proving symptom says, for example: ‘Before falling asleep, fear of suffocation, when lying, on closing the eyes, which only disappears on sitting up and opening the eyes, thus preventing sleep all night…’.
It is striking that states of fear and anxiety most often occur at night: a strong fear of the dark is characteristic. Such states make the patient extremely restless and nervous; he will toss about and finally be driven out of bed. Sitting up or standing up often brings some relief.
The anxiety states may be coupled with flushes of heat or ebullition of blood. ‘At night, anxiety and ebullition of blood, so severe that she has to sit up.’ ‘Heat in head with anxiety, evening in bed; has to stand up which relieves.’
Another fear is of impending evil. It may appear after a very exhausting ejaculation that depletes the patient mentally as well as physically. The patient can have a fear of suddenly falling off the