he does not want to meet anybody or confront any challenges. He does, however, complete his work and duties with efficiency. At this stage there are many feelings, fears and anxieties that disappear in the second stage.
They feel that their whole organism is vulnerable, and they feel so incompetent that many times the remedy is often confused with Baryta carbonica. Carbo animalis, though, presents other symptoms to differentiate it from both Anacardium and Bar-c. who also lack self-confidence.
The feeling of homesickness is particularly prominent in this remedy. In the repertory we find it in bold letters, and rightly so. Very characteristic of Carbo animalis is a strong emotional attachment to the family, which is the only place he feels secure, and he always returns to this safe place, his home. In Carbo animalis people there is such a yearning for the childhood love of their parents that was experienced while at home and eventually lost in the challenges of life, that they return again and again to these feelings with an almost irresistible desire to return home.
The homesickness of Carbo animalis is so acute that it is painful. They return again and again to the original family home where they first felt secure and loved; they return, like wounded birds, from the atrocities and hardness of life. It is not so much these atrocities as the peculiar unhealthy state of the Carbo animalis mind that is responsible for this homesickness. The feeling they have when they want to go home is an unhealthy one, a painful yearning, and though they know it is detrimental and brings them pain, they cannot resist it. The Carbo animalis patient, more than any of the other remedies, has real home-sickness, the real desire to go back home.
This feeling will usually be at its worst in the morning and ameliorate in the evening. ‘Feels as though abandoned and full of