the heat is followed by chill and then he is thirsty. The ears become hot towards the evening and the tip of the nose gets red and hot. Fever with intense heat during sleep. He sweats copiously all night and the acrid perspiration is only ameliorated by motion. The perspiration is cold on the upper part of the legs. Delirium tremens.
The skin looks bloated and flabby and is burning. It itches in spots and is worse from scratching, particularly when going out into the cold open air. Scarlet eruptions appear on the neck and breast and the face is bright red or it alternates between red and a mottled appearance. Eruptions of carbuncles or stinging pimples. Pseudo-herpetic eruptions appear on the forehead; on the face they itch and burn. Corrosive, discharging eruptions; with ulcerative pain. Coldness of the affected parts.
Cold gangrene from burns or gangrenous sores.
Withered warts.
Amaurosis. Asthma. Brain, irritation of. Delirium tremens. Cough. Diarrhoea. Diphtheria. Dysentery. Ear affections. Glandular swellings. Haemorrhoids. Headache. Heartburn. Hernia. Homesickness. Intermittents. Lungs, affections of. Measles. Mouth, ulcers in. Neuralgia. Nose, affections of. Obesity. Oesophagus, stricture of. Paralysis. Pleuro-pneumonia. Pregnaney, disorders of. Rectum, diseases of. Rheumatic gout. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Scrofula. Seasickness. Stomatitis. Throat, sore. Tongue, paralysis of. Trachea, tickling in. Urine, disorders of. Whooping-cough. Yellow fever.
Compare: Arn., Bell.; headache. Bry., headache from cough. Canth.; burning pains, throat symptoms, dysentery, urinary symptoms. Pso.; lack of reaction; despair of recovery. Caps, in persons of lax fibre. Lach.; thirst before chill; continues into chill; drinking worse; also Elaps. Nat-m., Carb-v. and Meny.; intermittents; Nai-m. is the ‘chronic’ of Caps. Carb-an. and Nit-ac.;