Genitalia – Female
During pregnancy a lot of problems: infection of the ears; heartburn, vomiting; mucous diarrhoea; haemorrhoids and burning in the anus.
Metrorrhagia during menopause.
Disordered menstruation, with a pushing or sticking sensation in the left ovarian region. Nausea during menstruation and there is pressure in the epigastrium.
Neck and Back
The glands of the neck are swollen and painful and there is jerking and tearing in the right cervical glands. The neck is stiff, but is ameliorated from motion. Pain in the cervical region with chill on coughing. Coughing causes pain all the way down the back. Drawing-tearing pains in the back and near the spine which are so bad that they force him to double up; stitching pain between the scapulae when breathing; drawing pain on motion.
Pain in the sacral region with dysentery. Drawing pain in the back on standing and after stool; pulsating in the back after stool; drawing downward pain in the lumbar region. The back is tense and stiff.
Shivering in the back in the evening.
Coldness extends up and down the back, he has a sensation as if cold water were dropping down his back.
Cutting and shooting pain in the extremities on coughing or sneezing.
Weakness of the extremities is ameliorated on motion.
Upper limbs
The hands and fingertips are cold; cold after eating, and the fingertips are cold, especially when the weather is hot.
The finger joints crack, and the muscles and tendons of the first finger contract. Drawing and burning pain in the hands from motion or from washing in cold water. Stitching in the ball of the fourth finger.
The palm of the hand twitches and there is a sensation of vibration in the hand. Pustules erupt between the fingers.