Pressive pain in the throat, as if an abscess would burst, during a paroxysm of coughing.
Burning ulcers in the fauces and throat. Tonsillitis with burning, smarting pain. In scarlatinal angina with redness of the face, small red spots on the face, burning vesicles in the mouth and on the tongue.
Twitching tearing pain in the right cervical glands. Fain when swallowing, tearing and jerking pain in the external throat.
Sore throat of smokers and drinkers.
The nose feels blocked, the throat rough and the voice becomes hoarse.
Hoarseness from straining the voice, from singing or from talking.
Excessive tingling and tickling in the larynx, which is worse after lying down, in the evening.
He develops a dry, hacking cough, and the exhalation from the lungs causes a strong offensive taste in the mouth.
Inspiration causes a pain in the trachea. The breathing is deep, almost like sighing, and he feels as if he cannot get air deep enough into his lungs.
Dyspnoea, which seems to rise from the stomach, or from fullness of the chest, ameliorated on sitting upright. Pain and stitches in the chest which impede respiration. Impeded respiration from flatulence.
Asthma with redness of the face and eructation. The chest feels distended and the breathing is wheezy, worse when he is moving about, going upstairs or walking.
The cough is noteworthy for the offensive odour of the air expelled during the cough. There may be bladder pain during a cough. With every explosive cough (and at no other time) there escapes a volume of pungent, foetid air. When coughing he develops a headache, as if his skull would burst. He frequently has a dry, paroxysmal, hacking cough. The sudden paroxysms convulse his whole body. Nervous, spasmodic cough; spasmodic autumn cough. As soon as his head touches the pillow at night he begins to cough. Coughing is painful and causes pain in distant places in his body; bladder,