Hearing is impaired from catarrh in the ears, also during pregnancy.
Pressive pain very deep in the ear when coughing. Stitching in the ear with the headache.
Epistaxis. Creeping and tickling in the nose as in stuffed coryza. Hoarseness.
The nose is red but, though cold, the tip is hot, in the evening.
The nose bleeds, especially in bed in the mornings, and when he coughs there is a bloody mucous discharge from the nose.
Thick mucus collects in the nose and throat and there is a viscid, tough discharge from the posterior nares. The nose gets stopped up and there is crawling and tickling inside. The left nostril and the tip bum and there is a constricting pain in the left nostril extending to above the left eye.
Sneezing from tickling in the trachea.
Painful pimples erupt under the nostrils.
The face is red and cold and often alternates with paleness or has a dirty discoloration and the expression is haggard. Circumscribed redness of the cheek with pain.
Dilated veins give the typical red appearance to the face and are more pronounced in the zygomatic areas.
Facial neuralgia begins above the right temple, goes downward over the face, especially to below the eye, and on the right side of the nose. Sensitive to touch which causes pain. Slight pressure brings on the pain.
Crawling, tickling burning like fire, sensation as if there were hot needles running through the face, and fine threads drawn tightly through the face. Pain in the face, partly resembling bone pain, excited by external touch; partly like fine pains, piercing the nerves, which are agonisingly painful when falling asleep.
The pain burns like needles, is worse in the evening and worse from touch. Redness of the face with asthma and with homesickness is typical in a Capsicum case. There is red discoloration in spots.
The face can be hot, but the hands and feet are cold.