on the contrary, causes pain in the head as if it would split; going upstairs brings on asthma.
He feels better while eating.
Rest aggravates some headaches and ameliorates others.
‘All the senses are more acute. He shuns all movement He tends to start. His temperament is contented; he is jocular and sings and yet on the slightest cause he is disposed to get angry’. (Hahnemann).
Capsicum exhibits general uncleanliness of the body.
Capsicum is useful in gouty constitutions in which the joints crack and have gouty deposits in them or in cases of stiff joints and joints which are clumsy and weak and soon give out.
Vertigo in the morning on waking; during chill. He reels from side to side with giddiness. The senses are obtuse and the digestion torpid.
There can be an enlarged sensation of the head and pain in the head (burning, peppery) during cough. The brain feels as if it is too full or the head is too large.
Confusion in the head.
When moving the head and when walking, headache, as if the skull would burst. Throbbing, beating headache, in one of the temples. Beating headache in the forehead.
Pressive pain in the forehead. Drawing tearing pain in the left side of the head. A headache more shooting than tearing, which is worse when at rest, but mitigated by movement. A headache which stretches from within outwards, or one that feels as if the brain were too full. Drawing tearing pain in the frontal bone, more on the right side. He has attacks of a one-sided headache; drawing, tearing and jerking pain in the left side of the forehead with nausea and vomiting. Stitching pain in the vertex extending to the forehead. Moving the head or eyes aggravates. He has darting, stitching pains which are worse during rest; better on motion. There is an aching above the root of the nose, with