
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1553

Usually these patients seek consultation for varying complaints, peptic ulcers, palpitations, haemorrhoids, etc. You will try different remedies with them (Calcarea, Ferrum, Nux vomica, etc.), yet find the organism difficult to arouse until you find out about the extraordinary nostalgia for home and then Capsicum becomes apparent. Capsicum haemorrhoid cases can be difficult to differentiate from Aesculus; the combination of haemorrhoids and a red face suggests both remedies.
Hearing becomes very acute during a chill rendering the patient very sensitive to noise. Also, there is thirst before a chill, but drinking aggravates. Both of these symptoms are key-notes of the remedy. Thirsty after stool is another strange symptom.
There is pain in the facial bones and particularly in the mastoid bone. Cases of severe mastoiditis with pronounced burning pain are almost exclusively Capsicum.
There is a marked tendency to suppuration in every inflammatory process.
There is ulceration in the mouth.
These are chilly patients who want to be in a warm room. They cannot bear the slightest draught of either warm or cold air and, as such, are averse to going outside into the cold. Even in normal weather the open air causes a chill.
They are sensitive to air, to cold and to bathing.
The patient is better for heat and worse for cold.
Capsicum dysentery or diarrhoea cases are usually associated with a pronounced burning sensation in the rectum or a sensation of coldness in the rectum or scrotum.
There can be coldness of the genitalia in the morning on waking. Eye inflammations with burning pains are typical.
Smokers and drinkers who suffer from sore throat and pains that go to the ears, with foetid breath, can be Capsicum.
The body tends to obesity, stomach and abdomen become flabby. There is lack of reactive force, especially with overweight