but I have yet to personally confirm the symptom reported by Kent of overwhelming thoughts of suicide. In my experience, they possess no fear of death, nor anxiety about health. They also tend not to reflect deeply on important issues in life, due to their indifference and laziness. Routine is all that they love. During this second stage there is a desire for stimulants. Capsicum has an overworked intellect. It is always in need of stimulants and tonics. When faced with a task, they procrastinate; then, as the deadline draws near they resort to stimulants to help them finish their work. After taking stimulants they feel terrible. They become taciturn, sullen and obstinate, even to an extreme.
They desire coffee, beer, whisky, and peppery food. They also greatly enjoy salt, though not to the extent of a craving. Everything they consume turns to fat. They often sleep in the following peculiar position: on their back with one hip partially flexed and abducted about ninety degrees, the knee of the same side flexed, and the foot resting near the opposite knee. They find that this particular posture helps them sleep.
Capsicum is capricious. Mirth and hilarity alternate with bursts of indignation. One moment he is jocular, laughing and singing and the next angry from the slightest cause and weeping. He takes offence at trifles, finds fault with others and is malicious. If someone offers him something, he will refuse it even though he may have wanted it earlier. He gets angry from coughing. He utters jokes and witticisms, but has a tendency to take everything badly and easily flies into a rage.
The patient is very clumsy and awkward. He has ailments of emotional excitement; during a chill he will become excited and irritable, with an acute sensitivity to noise. He gets very confused and is unable to think clearly. He gets feverish after emotions;