be easily excited. One observes a lack of reaction in these obese patients. They are averse to doing anything outside of their customary routine. As a matter of fact, they love routine and hate anything unexpected. They seem to be happy with a boring, predictable life.
The organism seems too heavy, too slow to move at short notice. They hate all exercise and all effort, whether physical or mental. They feel heavy in body and mind. They are not fond of cleanliness. During this second stage Capsicum can also become physically awkward, as in Apis, Agaricus and Bovista. Though they do not like physical exercise, if they do engage in it they feel better.
This second stage is not one of actual indifference, such as with Phosphoric acid, nor is it the deathly void of Carbo vegetabilis. Instead, as this state progresses, Capsicum people develop tremendous anxiety and the feeling that they are incapable of accomplishing much. They are ambitious, yet their ambition contains an element of paradox because they are also lazy and do not want to depart from their usual routine.
They hope to accomplish a great deal while expending minimal energy. However, by this stage, their mental functions have slowed down and they are duller than before. Realising their limitations, they fear that they cannot achieve their goals. This fear leads to insomnia. After having felt fatigued all day, at night they only manage to sleep for three or four hours before they wake up feeling overwhelmed by anxiety. Their anxiety focuses mostly around their social insecurity. They have a great fear of being criticised. After about two hours of wakefulness they go back to sleep. In the morning they wake up feeling very tired and unrefreshed.
As they become anxious and depressed, they lose their joi de vivre. They become absorbed in themselves and feel thoroughly discontented. They suffer from sadness and mental depression,