
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1549

more gregarious than they actually are in order to hide their insecurity; consequently, it is often difficult to correctly determine their inner psychological state. It is interesting to note that their insecurity and feeling of guilt (Mercurius, Natrum carbonicum) can produce a fear of the police.
Capsicum people have strong emotions. However, what is truly strange about them is that their emotional attachments focus on the past. Thus they frequently experience profound nostalgia. These feelings of nostalgia may be so strong as to overwhelm them; they may suffer so much from their sense of separation from the past that they believe they will die from the sorrow and nostalgia. Nostalgia can actually bring about fever. Such feelings represent an archetypal ‘homesickness’, a key-note of Capsicum. If you encounter intense homesickness with red cheeks, sleeplessness and a burning feeling in the throat you must not hesitate to prescribe this remedy. Insomnia due to homesickness is a strong characteristic of Capsicum.
They seem to live totally in the past; their childhood and other pleasant past experiences are overwhelming. I recall one case of a man whose powerful nostalgia had such a grasp on his subconscious mind that he experienced very vivid, repeated nostalgic dreams of his earlier years. Capsicum does not experience his homesickness only when he is away from home, but at any time he remembers the past.
At some point these people are so overwhelmed with remembrances that they feel they will die, will burn out from the memories. The memories and consequent emotions are so strong and consuming that they may become intolerable. At this point the individual enters the second stage of Capsicum. During this stage they bury all the memories and experience almost no feelings. They want to be left in peace; they are apathetic and often depressed. They can no longer