
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1545

Dorothy Shepherd (‘Magic of the Minimum Dose’) has treated the most severe burns during World War II in London. She says that especially in those cases where an infection of the kidneys is present, with dysuria, pain on passing water and passage of blood from the bladder, Cantharis dealt with the condition effectively. ‘Cantharis will heal up the local burn in a much shorter time than orthodox treatment can accomplish, and the renal and bladder infection will be cured in a short time.’
Another condition where Cantharis will be useful is erysipelas of a vesicular type, especially with great restlessness and burning pain. Nash gives an interesting differentiation between Cantharis and Apis:
‘In erysipelas it is sometimes the best remedy, and choice has to be made between it and Apis, which also sometimes has great urinary irritation in such cases. In the Apis cases there is apt to be more oedema, in Cantharis more blistering. In Cantharis the burning is more intense than under the Apis, while in the latter there is more stinging. The urinary symptoms, if present, are very much more intense under Cantharis. Again, the mind symptoms of the two remedies are quite different. In the Apis cases, aside from the stinging pains which make the patient cry out sharply at times, especially if the eruption is likely to ‘go in’ and attack the membranes of the brain, the patient may not be so very restless and complaining; but in the Cantharis case the patient is uneasy, restless, dissatisfied, distressed, sometimes moaning or violently crying; wants to be moved about constantly.’
Margaret Tyler recommends the remedy in gnat bites. Cantharis C 30, taken internally, stopped the intolerable itching with unbelievable rapidity.
Pustular or vesicular eruptions that itch terribly and burn on touch.
Eczematous vesicular eruptions on the back of the hand and between the fingers (see ‘Extremities’ section); vesicles all over the body, worse between the toes, which are all sore and suppurating.
Dermatitis venenata with bleb formation.
Secondary eczema about scrotum and genitals, following excessive perspiration. Erythema from exposure to the rays of the sun.
Acute drawing pain in the ulcers, with increased suppuration.