urination. The pains usually extend downward, from the bladder through the urethra (compare Cannabis, where the pains often extend backwards to the bladder).
Scanty micturition and painful retention of urine are often present, and the urine is frequently bloody. Due to the rapid development of the inflammatory states of the bladder, urethra and kidneys, blood will appear quite early in the course of the inflammation.
A selection of symptoms from the provings and from clinical experience:
Pain in the loins, kidneys and entire abdomen, with such pain on urinating that he cannot pass a single drop without crying and screaming.
Pain in the loins with the incessant desire to urinate, however, only a small quantity is passed.
Violent paroxysmal cutting and burning pain in both kidneys; the region is very sensitive to touch; alternating with equally severe pain and burning in the tip of the penis, urging to urinate, and extremely painful evacuation, by drops, of bloody urine; at times pure blood is passed, with some clots.
Constant dull aching in the region of the kidneys, late in the evening. Kidney pain spreads down along the whole course of the ureters to the bladder. Cutting and constricting pain from the ureters to the penis; pressure upon the glans penis brings slight relief.
Heaviness in the region of the bladder, on the slightest motion is transformed into a sore pain.
Pressive stitching pain in the neck of the bladder before urination, and constant urging, but only a few drops pass.
Violent burning-cutting pain in the neck of the bladder, extending to
the fors navicularis, mostly occurring before and after urination.
Intense vesicular spasms.
Violent pains in the bladder that are increased by drinking even minute quantities.
Retention of urine from too full a bladder. Ischuria. But a more copious and frequent urination than usual has also been observed in the provings.
A kind of paralysis of the neck of the bladder; urine is passed without any urging and can hardly be retained. Ischuria paradoxa; constant involuntary dribbling of urine.
Peculiar pain on urinating as if the urine cannot get out, with disagreeable