Acute pain in the region of the stomach and bladder, with such extreme sensitivity that the slightest pressure produces convulsions. The pain is ameliorated on lying down and from warmth.
Cutting, stitching, and burning in the groin, with violent cutting on urination. Hepatitis. Right side of the abdomen and liver painful and sensitive, with urinary symptoms.
Constant, violent urging for both stool and urine, with extreme tenesmus.
Constant ineffectual urging; returns soon after stool; when urinating, an ineffectual urging for stool comes on. Retention of stool and urine. Kent says: ‘The patient will sit on the commode with violent tenesmus to pass urine and stool, feels that if he could only pass a few more drops of urine or a little more bloody stool he would get relief, but no relief comes.’
Violent diarrhoea with unbearable burning in the anus, which continues for a long time; watery stool excoriates the anus.
Diarrhoea consisting of blood and mucus; or pure blood is discharged after violent straining. Dysentery.
Evacuation of white, solid mucus, as if from scrapings of intestines, with streaks of blood.
Stool slimy and red or green. Copious stool.
Shivering after stool, with the feeling as if icy-cold water were poured over her.
Urinary Organs
This region is Cantharis’s main area of action, and the remedy should always be taken into consideration when any condition is accompanied by its characteristic symptoms in the urinary region. Cystitis and urethritis are the pathological states where Cantharis is most often prescribed, especially when they are accompanied by increased sexual desire, but it will only act successfully where the symptoms agree. Mercurius corrosivus, Nux vomica, Sarsaparilla and Apis are remedies that have to be differentiated in cystitis cases. The main symptoms are constant urging to urinate with violent tenesmus and strangury and burning and cutting pain before, during and after