
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1535

taste may be totally lost for a time, or food tastes as though it were unsalted.
Copious and frequent salivation; accumulation of tasteless saliva in the mouth, or it is disgustingly sweet, forcing him to spit.
During manic or convulsive fits, grinding of teeth, frothy salivation, lockjaw. Sublingual glands swollen and red.
Gums spongy and swollen; inflamed spots, with swelling.
Dental fistula, with suppuration.
Burning sensation and soreness in the throat, literally feels as if on fire. The burning is made worse by swallowing any substance, but even more so on drinking water, which makes the pain intolerable.
Inflamed throat, sore, burning, feeling as if scraped; covered with plastic lymph; swollen internally. Inflammation and suppuration of the tonsils. Throat blistered and ulcerated. Aphthous ulcers, covered with a whitish adherent crust, at the back part of the fauces and on the tonsils.
A spasmodic contraction of the throat, or a feeling of constriction amounting almost to strangulation; to swallow a single drop of fluid is an agonising experience.
Swallowing is very difficult, sometimes impossible, especially of fluids; on account of the pain, a feeling of strangulation or a dread and horror of liquids.
Water drunk regurgitates through the nose.
All the throat symptoms are worse from drinking and are ameliorated while lying down.
Voice, Respiration, Chest and Heart
Speech is very feeble and timorous, because of a sensation of weakness of the respiratory organs. Hoarseness, with painful rattling of viscid mucus coming from the chest, and with incisive shootings in the trachea. Voice almost or totally lost during attacks of weakness; or in laryngeal diphtheria.
Acute inflammation of the larynx, with extreme heat and burning.
Burning and stinging in the larynx, especially when attempting to hawk up tough, tenacious mucus from the chest.
Dry, cutting stitches along the trachea at night.