Erysipelatous inflammation of the nose, preceded by a pain on the dorsum of the nose as if pressed or pinched.
Strong disagreeable foetid, sickly odour smelled in the nostrils; with strangury.
The expression is extremely sickly and miserable, showing fear, terror, and despair.
Congestion in the face with sudden glowing heat and redness. On stooping, the face instantly becomes very red, with a violent rush of blood to the head, and even while sitting the face becomes hot (but not while walking). Red face during sudden fits of unconsciousness. The face is often very swollen and puffy but a sunken, pale, sallow, even death-like look has also frequently been observed, especially during and after severe pain; it may also be discoloured yellow, with yellow-looking eyes. Or the right side of the face glows, while the left side is waxy yellow.
Right side of the face is swollen, with tension but without redness and heat. Burning in the face, even if it is no warmer than usual to the touch. Pimples appear on various parts of the face and burn when touched. Erysipelas, beginning on the dorsum of the nose, spreading to both cheeks, but more to the right; with burning, biting heat; with urinary symptoms. Vesicular erysipelas in the face with burning pain and great restlessness.
Painful burning of the whole buccal cavity and oesophagus, extending down to the stomach. Burning on the tongue and palate; hot feeling in the palate as if something spicy had been eaten.
Mouth dry; tongue dry in the morning, covered with mucus.
All mucous membranes of the mouth are inflamed, excoriated, red and covered with small blisters. White vesicles, up to the size of a pea, in all parts of the buccal cavity, on the palate, gums, and tongue.
Tongue swollen; thickly coated, white or yellow, and red at the edges, or
bleached at the tip and sides, with a blackish-brown centre.
Trembling of the tongue.
Taste is bitter, accompanied by disgust for everything; offensive. The sense of