Eyes protruding, very bright, even looking fiery or sparkling, with a fixed, staring gaze; pupils widely dilated. Or they are restlessly in motion, frightfully rolling, alternating with fixed staring; pupils contracted. These features are found especially in acute delirious or manic states. In other conditions they may look sunken and bleary, surrounded by blue rings.
Burning in the eyes, glowing heat as if from coals; biting sensations as from having salt in them. Biting in the eyes after closing them.
Aching in the eyes from exerting them, especially from writing, which makes them water and causes cutting pain.
In the open air the eyes water; he has to close them; when he opens them again the margins of the lids ache as if sore, like raw flesh.
Acute or chronic inflammation of the eyes, with biting and smarting; particularly when caused by a burn.
Retinal haemorrhages; watery discharge mixed with blood.
Everything appears yellow; letters on a page look green and yellow.
Burning, glowing heat of the ears; otitis.
Stitching and tearing pain in the region of the ears, especially in the right mastoid process, where it may be so severe that it feels as if the bone would be torn out, making the prover scream.
Sensation of hot vapour coming out of the ears in intervals.
Pimples on the mastoid process, burning on touch.
Ringing, humming, buzzing ear noises buzzing noises in the ear; buzzing in the ears after supper.
Secretion of much tenacious mucus from the nose, without sneezing; the tough discharge is drawn from the posterior nares into the mouth.
Red, swollen nose, with a feeling as if it were going to suppurate, felt mostly internally; pain worse on touch and talking.
Inflammation at the margin of the right wing of the nose, red and shiny. Red, hot nose, with suppurating pimples.