
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1532

Congestion in the head with feelings of heaviness and burning heat of the
head and especially burning in the brain is frequent. Boericke describes a characteristic sensation as if boiling water were in the brain. Burning in the sides of the head, ascending from the neck, with soreness and giddiness; worse in the morning and afternoon; when standing or sitting; better while walking or lying down.
Aching deep in the brain, of a dull, sore, or stitching quality. Violent lancinating pain deep in the brain, especially in the occiput. Violent sore pain inside the head. Heaviness and a stupid feeling in the forehead, deep in the brain, with the sensation as if someone pressed her head forward. This latter sensation is characteristic and may be coupled with an outward pressure in the forehead. For instance: tearing and dragging pain, only on motion; when stooping and turning the head, it is as if something came up from the nape of the neck and pressed the head forwards, and as if everything would come out of the forehead. Or: pressing outward from within the forehead, waking him at night; ceases when sitting up in bed.
Headache that interrupts sleep at night, may also have a stitching quality: Cutting stitches in the head, waking her from sleep.
Generally, stitching headaches are frequent, especially in the sides of the head; stitching in the left os parietale while speaking.
Painful tearing on the vertex with the sensation as if a lock of hair were being pulled upwards.
Twitching and jerking is felt in the muscles and bones. A strange symptom is: ‘Intermittent painful twitching, now at the right os occipitale, now at the outer side of the left knee.’
Headache from washing or bathing.
Cantharis has been successfully prescribed in neuralgia of the head and face from exposure to the cold, with loud screams and jerking of the muscles; also in cases of meningitis or irritation of the meninges with lancinating pain or with unconsciousness and convulsions.
Falling of hair on combing, during confinement or lactation.
Scalp very scaly; a lot of dandruff.